PCL Nursing (CTEVT) 1st Year Latest Syllabus (Revised 2018)

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Course Structure of PCL Nursing 1st Year

S.N.Course NumberName of SubjectsTheory Hours Practical Hours 
1501Fundamental of Nursing (T)160 
2502Fundamental of Nursing (P)630
3503Community Health Nursing I (T)120 
4504Community Health Nursing I (P)210
5505Anatomy and Physiology100 
6506Basic Science Applied to Nursing (Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Microbiology)100
(40, 30, 30)
PCL Nursing (CTEVT) 1st Year Syllabus

Evaluation Scheme of PCL Nursing 1st Year

Evaluation Scheme of PCL Nursing 1st Year

Subject- Fundamental of Nursing (Theory)

Unit 1: Introduction to Nursing (8 hrs)

Unit 2: Introduction to Hospital Nursing (10 hrs)

Unit 3: Basic Need of Individual (8 hrs)

Unit 4: Nursing Process (16 hrs)

Unit 5: Infection Control Measures (15 hrs)

Unit 6: Nursing Measures to Assess the Patient (18 hrs)

Unit 11: Measures to Provide Safety (8 hrs)

Unit 12: Dressing and Bandaging (5 hrs)

Unit 13: Exercise (4 hrs)

Unit 14: Hot and Cold application (3 hrs)

Unit 15: Pre and Post-operative Nursing Care of Patient (4 hrs)

Unit 16: Pain Management (3 hrs)

Unit 17: Client Nurse Interaction (4 hrs)

Unit 18: Drug Administration (6 hrs)

Unit 19: First Aid Management (8 hrs)

Unit 20: Care of Dead Body (2 hrs)

Subject- Fundamental of Nursing (Clinical)

Unit 1: Introduction to the Clinical Practice

1.1 Organizational rule and regulation

1.2 Different units in a hospital.

1.3 Routine activities of the unit

Unit 2: Application of the Nursing Process

2.1 Assessment

2.2 Planning

2.3 Implementation

2.4 Evaluations

Detailed Syllabus of Fundamental of Nursing

Subject- Community Health Nursing I (Theory)

Unit 1: Introduction to Health (8 hrs)

Unit 2: Primary Health Care (6 hrs)

Unit 3: Nursing Practice in the community (2 hrs)

Unit 4: Communications (8 hrs)

Unit 5: Introduction to Epidemiology (10 hrs)

Unit 6: Health indicators and statistics (8 hrs)

Unit 7: Community Health Diagnosis (10 hrs)

Unit 8: Nutrition (10 hrs)

Unit 9: Health Education (8 hrs)

Unit 10: Family Planning (10 hrs)

Unit 11: Immunization (6 hrs)

Unit 12: Environmental Health and Sanitation (16 hrs)

Unit 13: Water (6 hrs)

Unit 14: Housing (8 hrs)

Unit 15: Occupational Health (2 hrs)

Unit 16: Pollution Hazards (2 hrs)

Subject- Community Health Nursing- I (Practical)

Social determinants of Health and Nursing in the community

Communication skills

Primary health care

Vital and health statistics

Environmental health and sanitation

Local resources

Community health diagnosis and Micro Health Project

Recording and report

Detailed Syllabus of Community Health Nursing I

Subject- Anatomy and Physiology

Unit 1: System Approach to the Human Body- 6 hrs

Unit 2: Introduction to cells and tissues- 6 hrs

Unit 3: Body Fluid and Electrolyte- 10 hrs

Unit 4: Introduction to Circulatory System- 9 hrs

Unit 5: Introduction to Lymphatic System- 6 hrs

Unit 6: Introduction to Muscular System- 6 hrs

Unit 7: Introduction to Skeletal System- 8 hrs

Unit 8: Introduction to Respiratory System- 8 hrs

Unit 9: Introduction to Digestive System- 8 hrs

Unit 10: Introduction to Urinary System- 4 hrs

Unit 11: Introduction to Nervous System- 8 hrs

Unit 12: Introduction to Reproductive System- 8 hrs

Unit 13: Introductions to Endocrine System- 8 hrs

Unit 14: Introductions to Special Sensory Organ- 5 hrs

Subject- Basic Science Applied to Nursing (Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Microbiology)

Bio-Chemistry (30 Hours)

Unit 1: Introduction- 8 hrs

Unit 2: Bio-molecules- 8 hrs

Unit 3: Enzymes– 4 hrs

Unit 4: Blood Coagulation mechanism- 4 hrs

Unit: 5 Organ Function Test- 6 hrs

Microbiology Parasitology/Virology (30 Hours)

Unit 1: Introduction of Microbiology- 6 hrs

Unit 2: Parasitology- 6 hrs

Unit 3: Bacteriology- 6 hrs

Unit 4: Virology- 4 hrs

Unit 5: Immunology- 6 hrs

Unit 6: Mycology- 2 hrs

Pharmacology (40 Hours)

Unit 1: Introduction to Pharmacology- 2 hrs

Unit 2: Drug acting on gastrointestinal system- 6 hrs

Unit 3: Drug acting on respiratory system- 6 hrs

Unit 4: Drug used in cardiovascular system– 6 hrs

Unit 5: Drug used in infection- 6 hrs

Unit 6: Drug acting on the central nervous system- 4 hrs

Unit 7: Endocrine and hormonal drugs- 3 hrs

Unit 8: Drugs acting on Kidney- 2 hrs

Unit 9: Drugs acting on lymphatic system- 2 hrs

Unit 10: Drugs acting on the skin- 2 hrs

Unit 11: Essential drugs, emergency drugs, antidotes- 1 hr

Subject- English

Part 1: Grammar

Unit 1: Link English- 10 hours

Unit 2: Comparison- 5 hours

Unit 3: Prepositions- 5 hours

Unit 4: Tenses- 8 hours

Unit 5: Mood- 7 hours

Unit 6: Modals- 7 hours

Unit 7: The Passive- 4 hours

Unit 8: Reporting- 4 hours

Unit 9: Sentence Structures- 10 hours

Unit 10: Freewriting- 7 hours

Unit 11: Comprehension Passage and Terminologies- 3 hrs

Part: 2 Extensive reading (Literature)

Unit 1: Poems- 12 hours

Unit 2: Supernatural Stories- 12 hours

Unit 3: Stories- 6 hour

Unit 4: Essays- 16 hours

Unit 5: Drama/Play- 4 hours

Subject- Nepali

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Official CTEVT Syllabus

About Author

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Sagar Aryal

Sagar Aryal is a microbiologist and a scientific blogger. He is doing his Ph.D. at the Central Department of Microbiology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. He was awarded the DAAD Research Grant to conduct part of his Ph.D. research work for two years (2019-2021) at Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS), Saarbrucken, Germany. Sagar is interested in research on actinobacteria, myxobacteria, and natural products. He is the Research Head of the Department of Natural Products, Kathmandu Research Institute for Biological Sciences (KRIBS), Lalitpur, Nepal. Sagar has more than ten years of experience in blogging, content writing, and SEO. Sagar was awarded the SfAM Communications Award 2015: Professional Communicator Category from the Society for Applied Microbiology (Now: Applied Microbiology International), Cambridge, United Kingdom (UK). Sagar is also the ASM Young Ambassador to Nepal for the American Society for Microbiology since 2023 onwards.

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