Interesting Science Videos
Subject- Fundamental of Nursing (Theory)
Theory: 160 hours
Course Description
This course is designed to introduce the students to basic nursing concepts, skills, and attitudes. It also included the professional history within and outside the country, its scope, and the physiological, Psychological, and Social need for safety, comfort, and therapeutic measures for individual families and communities.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course the learners will be able to:
- Define nurse and nursing.
- Describe the history of nursing in the World and Nepal.
- Discuss roles and responsibilities of a nurse, ethical values, and legal aspects for protecting the patients from harm and professionals from legal action.
- State patients and professional rights.
- Explain the national and international nursing professional regulatory bodies and associations.
- Describe different types of hospitals in Nepal.
- Explain basic human needs.
- Explain the nursing process and its components.
- Explain infection control measures to prevent the hospital-acquired infection
- Demonstrate the basic nursing procedures used in the care of patients.
- Explain the process of helping the patient to meet their various needs.
- Identify comfort measures and devices based on the needs/condition of the patients.
- Explain the pre and post-operative nursing care of the patient.
- Explain different types and principles of dressing and bandaging
- Explain different kinds of information and recording system in a clinical setting.
- Describe the importance and method of communication and its uses with patients,/family, and the health team.
- Describe pain and pain management.
- Identify the technique of drug administration.
- Identify different First Aid measures for different condition that arises as an emergency.
- Explain care of death and dying patients.
Unit 1: Introduction to Nursing (8 hrs)
1.1 Nurse and Nursing- 2hrs
1.2 Ethical and legal aspect in nursing- 2 hrs
1.3 Professional organizations in nursing: NNC, NAN, ICN- 2 hrs
1.4 Consumers and Professional protection- 2 hrs
Unit 2: Introduction to Hospital Nursing (10 hrs)
2.1 Hospital- 2 hrs
2.2 Admission and Discharge of the patient- 6 hrs
- Admission procedure
- Discharge procedure
- Transfer of patient
2.3 Documentation- 2 hrs
Unit 3: Basic Need of Individual (8 hrs)
3.1 Basic Human Needs: Definition and types- 2 hrs
3.2 Florance Nightingaleโs needs- 2 hrs
3.3 Hendersonโs need: 14 components- 2 hrs
3.4 Maslowโs hierarchy of needs- 2 hrs
Unit 4: Nursing Process (16 hrs)
4.1 Nursing process: Definition, Purpose, and importance- 2 hrs
- Skills for nursing care
4.2 Component of the nursing process- 8 hrs
- Assessment
- Nursing Diagnosis
- Planning
- Implementation
- Evaluation
4.3 Documentation of nursing care: Nursing care plan- 2 hrs
4.4 Communication- 4 hrs
- Definition, types, and barriers
- Importance of interpersonal relationship
Unit 5: Infection Control Measures (15 hrs)
5.1 Basic Concept of Infection Prevention- 5 hrs
5.2 Prevention of HAI- 10 hrs
- Standard Precautions
- Transmission-Based Precautions
Unit 6: Nursing Measures to Assess the Patient (18 hrs)
6.1 Vital signs: Definition and Purposes- 1 hr
6.2 Temperature- 4 hrs
6.3 Respiration- 4 hrs
6.4 Blood Pressure- 4 hrs
6.5 Measuring Height/ Weight- 2 hrs
6.6 Nurses responsibilities in laboratory/ radiology diagnosis- 3 hrs
- Collection, labeling and dispatch of specimen- Urine, Stool, Blood, Sputum, Pus and Throat Swab
Unit 7: Nursing Measures related to Physical Needs of the Patient (10 hrs)
7.1 Personal Hygiene: Definition, Purpose Principles, and Procedure of- 5 hrs
- Oral care, Skin care, Hair care, Eye care, Back care, Nail care, foot care
7.2 Pressure sore (in immobility)- 5 hrs
Unit 8: Nursing Measures related to Comfort of the patient (10 hrs)
8.1 Rest sleep and exercise- 1 hrs
8.2 Bed and Bed Making- 3 hrs
8.3 Positioning the patient: Different positions and their uses- 3 hrs
8.4 Comfort devices: Different devices used for a patient in hospital- 3 hrs
Unit 9: Nursing Measures related to Meeting Nutritional Need of the Patient (8 hrs)
9.1 Definition and type of nutrition (Refer CHN I)- 1 hrs
9.2 Types of diet used in hospital- 1 hrs
9.3 Nurses responsibility in meeting the nutritional need of the patient- 2 hrs
9.4 Ryleโs (nasogastric) tube insertion and care- 2 hrs
9.5 Feeding helpless patient- 2 hrs
Unit 10: Nursing Measures related to Elimination Needs of the patient 10 hrs
10.1 Distension of Bladder- 1 hr
10.2 Catheterization- 2 hrs
10.3 Distension abdomen- 1 hr
10.4 Constipation- 2 hrs
10.5 Diarrhea: Meaning, Causes, sign and symptoms, and Management (refer CHN I)- 1 hr
10.6 Gastric Aspiration- 1 hr
10.5 Use of bedpans and urinals- 1 hr
10.6 Maintaining intake and output chart- 1 hr
Unit 11: Measures to Provide Safety 8 hrs
11.1 hazards in hospital- 2 hrs
11.2 Safety Measures- 2 hrs
11.3 Body Mechanics- 1 hr
11.4 Moving and turning a patient- 2 hrs
11.5 Newton first law of motion- 1 hr
Unit 12: Dressing and Bandaging (5 hrs)
12.1 Wound care: Definition, Types of the wound, Process of wound healing- 1 hr
12.2 Dressing: Definition, Types, purpose, principles, and Techniques- 1 hr
12.3 Suturing: Introduction, Types of suture, Removal of sutures- 1 hr
12.4 Care of the patient with types of drainage tube- 1 hr
12.5 Bandaging : Definition, Type- 1 hr
Unit 13: Exercise (4 hrs)
13.1 Exercise: Definition, Types of Exercise- 1 hr
13.2 Range of motion exercise: Definition, purpose, principles, and step by step procedure of ROM- 1 hr
13.3 Deep breathing and coughing exercise: Purpose, principle, and procedure- 1 hr
13.4 Postural drainage: Purpose, Principles, and procedures- 1 hr
Unit 14: Hot and Cold application (3 hrs)
14.1 Hot and Cold applications- 2 hrs
14.2 Sitz Bath- 1 hr
Unit 15: Pre and Post-operative Nursing Care of Patient (4 hrs)
15.1 Pre-operative care- 2 hrs
15.2 Post-operative care- 2 hrs
Unit 16: Pain Management 3 hrs
16.1 Definition, types, and characteristics- 0.5 hrs
16.2 Physiology of pain- 0.5 hrs
16.3 Pain assessment: subjective and objective method- 1 hr
16.4 Pain management: pharmacological and non-pharmacological- 1 hr
Unit 17: Client Nurse Interaction (4 hrs)
17.1 Stress and adaptation- 2 hrs
17.2 Factors affecting clientโs and familyโs response to stress- 1 hrs
17.3 Helping the patient/family with stress- 1 hrs
Unit 18: Drug Administration (6 hrs)
18.1 Administration of drug- 1 hr
18.2 Different routes for drug administration- 1 hr
18.3 Care of Client with intravenous infusion- 0.5 hrs
18.4 Responsibilities of a nurse in drug administration- 0.5 hrs
18.5 Care of medicine and medicine cupboard- 0.5 hrs
18.6 Oxygen Inhalation- 1 hr
18.7 Steam inhalation: purpose, principles, procedure- 0.5hrs
18.8 Nebulization: purpose, principles, and procedure- 1 hr
18.9 Blood Transfusion- 1 hr
Unit 19: First Aid Management (8 hrs)
19.1 Definition, purpose, principles of first aid and Responsibilities of a first aider- 2 hrs
19.2 Different Emergency conditions and their first aid management- 4 hrs
19.3 Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation- 1 hr
19.4 Triage- 1 hr
Unit 20: Care of Dead Body- 2 hrs
Subject- Fundamental of Nursing (Clinical)
Total Hour: 630 (18 Weeks)
Course Description
This course provides an opportunity for the students to practice the basic nursing skills and in applying knowledge learned in the theory while providing nursing care to the clients. Clinical experience will be a total of 540 hours, on the medical and surgical unit under continuous supervision. Students will do morning and evening duty in different wards.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course the learners will be able to:
- Develop skills in basic nursing procedures.
- Use nursing process provides nursing care to the clients.
- Apply different assessment techniques to identify the needs and problems of the patient
- Develop a nursing care plan
- Implement different nursing measures to fulfill the comfort, nutritional, elimination need of the patient
- Performs simple wound care and bandaging
- Apply safety measures and ethical practice in nursing care
- Administrate medication safely and correctly to a given patient
- Perform admission and discharge procedure
- Relate knowledge from basic sciences in preparing plans and providing care.
- Provide health education according to the needs of the client
- Demonstrates ability to form a relationship with patients and families establishing trust.
- Apply the principles of infection prevention by maintaining universal precaution and using personal protective barriers
- Demonstrate an attitude of concern and interest toward patients and families.
- Demonstrate accountability and effectively communicate with the patient, their families, and other professionals.
- Record and report patientโs condition and progress adequately
Unit 1: Introduction to the Clinical Practice
1.1 Organizational rule and regulation
1.2 Different units in a hospital.
1.3 Routine activities of the unit
Unit 2: Application of the Nursing Process
2.1 Assessment
The student will assess the patient through:
- Taking history through interview with patient and care takers
- Physical examination using Inspection, Palpitation, Percussion, Auscultation
- Vital signs measurement
- Height and weight measurement
- Medical record, Diagnostic test reports
- Urine testing for sugar and albumin
- Identification of problems
2.2 Planning
- The student will write nursing care plans based on her/his assessment of the patients.
- The nursing care plan includes the problem of the patientโs, action needed to solve the problem, and evaluation of the action
2.3 Implementation
The student will take responsibility for direct care and provide a conducive environment for health and recovery for illness. Each student will develop knowledge and skill of safe and ethical practice drugs and administration.
Students Develop competency in basic nursing skills according to clientโs needs in the following areas:
- Meeting the hygienic needs of the patient
- Provide comfort
- Making different types of comfortable bed
- Meeting nutritional needs of patient
- Meeting elimination needs:
- Preventing infection and complication:
- Providing and Teaching the following measure to promote body function and prevent chest complication
- Practice the application of heat and cold to body parts
- Develop competency in dressing and bandaging
- Collecting and labeling and sending specimen of urine blood and sputum to the laboratory
- Administrating medication.
2.4 Evaluations
- Student will evaluate the progress outcome of nursing care on discharge.
Useful Books for PCL Nursing 1st Year- Fundamental of Nursing
- Craven R, Hirnle C.J. Fundamental of Nursing: Human health function. 3rd ed. Sydney: J.B. Lippincot; 2000.
- Crisp, Taylor. Potter and Perry Fundamental of Nursing. St. Missouri: Mosby; 2001.
- Basbanthappa B. Fundamental of Nursing. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (p); 2004.
- Galbraith A, Bullock S, Manis E. Fundamental of Pharmacology. Sydney: Prentice Hall; 2001.
- Potter P, Hall A, Stockert P, Perry A. Essentials for Nursing Practice. 8th ed. Mosby; 2014.
- Gulanick M, Myers J. Nursing care plans. 9th ed. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2016.
- Phelps L, Ralph S. Sparks and Taylor’s nursing diagnosis pocket guide. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: wolterskluwer; 2018.
- Berman A, Snyder S, Frandsen G. Kozierand Erb’s fundamentals of nursing. 10th ed. England: Pearson education limited; 2016.
- Hinkle J, Cheever K. Brunner and Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing. 13th ed. lippincottwillams and Wilkins; 2014.
- Weller B. Bailliere’s nurses’ dictionary. 25th ed. Edinburgh: Saunders; 2010.
- Verghese A, Shrestha N, Singh S, Shrestha S, Thapa S, bhantawa S. Fundamental of Nursing. 2nd ed. Kathmandu: health learning material center, TUIOM; 2002.
- Pathak S, Devkota R. A Text Book of Fundamental of Nursing. 4th ed. Bhotahiti, Kathmandu: VidyarthiPustakBhandar; 2015.
- Craven R, Hirnle C.J. Fundamental of Nursing: Human health function. 3rd ed. sydney: J.B. Lippincot; 2000.
- Crisp, Taylor. Potter and Perry Fundamental of Nursing. st. Missouri: Mosby; 2001.
- Basbanthappa B. Fundamental of Nursing. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (p); 2004.
- Galbraith A, Bullock S, Manis E. Fundamental of Pharmacology. Sydney: Prentice Hall; 2001.
- Potter P, Hall A, Stockert P, Perry A. Essentials for Nursing Practice. 8th ed. Mosby; 2014.
- Gulanick M, Myers J. Nursing care plans. 9th ed. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2016.
- Phelps L, Ralph S. Sparks and Taylor’s nursing diagnosis pocket guide. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: wolterskluwer; 2018.
- Berman A, Snyder S, Frandsen G. Kozierand Erb’s fundamentals of nursing. 10th ed. England: Pearson education limited; 2016.
- Sharma, P. (2015).Fundamental of Nursing.Medhavi Publication.
Hi it very good.