Gelatin Hydrolysis Test- Principle, Procedure, Types, Result, Uses

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Gelatin Hydrolysis Test Definition

Gelatin hydrolysis test is a biochemical test performed as a presumptive test for the identification of Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, and other Gram-positive bacilli.

  • Gelatin hydrolysis test is also termed as the Gelatin Liquefaction test as it involves the liquefaction of gelatin in the presence of the gelatinase enzyme.
  • Gelatinase is an important enzyme in various pathogenic organisms as it is produced extracellularly, which hydrolyses gelatin which is derived from the collagen found in the connective tissues of vertebrates.
  • These enzymes might work as a virulence factor that dissolves the connective tissues of the hostโ€™s cells which aids in the invasive infections.
  • Gelatin is a protein that liquefies in the presence of gelatinase enzyme as the enzyme breaks down the complex structure of gelatin into monomeric amino acids.
  • The test has been used for years as a presumptive test for the identification of a wide variety of organisms like Serratia,ย Pseudomonas,ย Flavobacterium, and Clostridium.

Objectives of Gelatin Hydrolysis Test

  • To test an organismโ€™s ability to liquefy gelatin by the production of gelatinase enzyme.
  • To differentiate organisms into different groups based on their ability to hydrolyze gelatin.

Principle of Gelatin Hydrolysis Test

  • Gelatin is a protein derived from animal connective tissue, collagen, which forms a solid structure at lower temperatures.
  • The protein is metabolized or degraded by a group of enzymes called gelatinase.
  • Gelatinases are proteolytic enzymes that hydrolyze gelatin into polypeptides and individual amino acids.
  • The degradation of gelatin, like most proteins, occurs in two steps; the first step involves the degradation of gelatin into polypeptides, followed by the conversion of polypeptides into amino acids.
  • Gelatinase is important in most bacteria as the gelatin is a large polymer and thus cannot be transported into the cell.
  • The enzyme, thus, breaks down gelatin into smaller units, which can be transported into the cell and utilized by the bacteria.
  • In the hydrolysis test, media with gelatin is used, and its hydrolysis is observed either by the liquefaction of the media or by flooding with mercuric chloride.
  • The mercuric chloride added to the medium precipitates gelatin while the areas where the gelatin is hydrolyzed appear clear.

Microorganisms Tested

  • Gram-negative rods that require gelatin for identification, especially for the separation of the fluorescent Pseudomonas: Pseudomonas putida (negative) from Pseudomonas fluorescens (positive).
  • Gram-positive rods as needed for identification to the species level.

Media, Reagent, and Supplies Used

Media Used

  • Nutrient Gelatin Media is used for the demonstration of gelatin hydrolysis either by adding mercuric chloride or by the liquefaction of gelatin.
  • The composition of the Nutrient Gelatin Media is given below:
S.N Ingredients Gram/liter
1. Tryptose 20.0
2. Beef extract 3.0
3. Gelatin 10.0
4. Manganese sulfate 0.01
5. Agar 15.0
Final pH at 25ยฐC: 6.8 ยฑ0.2

Reagent Used

  • Mercuric chloride (HgCl2)

Supplies Used

  • Inoculating needle
  • Incubator at 37ยฐC
  • Pipettes

Procedure of Gelatin Hydrolysis Test

A. Preparation of the media

  • About 128 grams of the dehydrated medium is taken in a beaker with 1000 milliliters of warm (50ยฐC) distilled water.
  • The solution is then heated with agitation to bring it to boiling in order to dissolve the medium completely.
  • The medium is dispensed into several test tubes and autoclaved at 15 lbs pressure (121ยฐC) for 15 minutes. In the case of the agar plate method, the medium is autoclaved in the beaker.
  • The tubed medium is cooled to 45-50ยฐC in an upright position.

B. Gelatin Hydrolysis

Gelatin hydrolysis can be observed whether via nutrient gelatin stab method or by flooding the agar plates with mercuric chloride.

1. Stab method

  • The gelatin medium in the tube is inoculated with 4-5 drops of a 24-hour broth medium.
  • The inoculated tubes are incubated at 37ยฐC in air for 24-48 hours. If the organisms grow well at 25ยฐC, the incubation has to be done at 25ยฐC.
  • After the first incubation, the tubes are to be placed at 4ยฐC for another 24 hours.

2. Plate method

  • Heavy inoculum of an 18-24 hour culture is taken with an inoculating loop and inoculated on nutrient gelatin medium.
  • The plates are then incubated at 37ยฐC for 24-48 hours.

Result Interpretation of Gelatin Hydrolysis Test

Tube test

  • Partial or total liquefaction of gelatin in the test tubes indicates a positive result.
  • Complete solidification of gelatin at 4ยฐC represents a negative result.

Gelatin Hydrolysis Test- Principle, Procedure and Result Interpretation

Figure: Gelatin hydrolysis. Positive; liquefaction at top of the tube. Image Source:ย Bailey and Scottโ€™s Diagnostic Microbiology. Elsevier.

Plate Method

  • A clear zone around the colonies after the addition of mercuric chloride (HgCl2) indicates a positive result on agar plates.
  • No clear zones around the colonies after the addition of mercuric chloride are representative of a negative result.

Gelatin Hydrolysis Test Plate Method

Figure: Gelatin hydrolysis positive reaction. Image Source: Department of Veterinary Disease Biology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

Control organisms

  • Positive result: Bacillus subtilis.
  • Negative result: Escherichia coli.

Uses of Gelatin Hydrolysis Test

  • Gelatin hydrolysis test is used to test the ability of an organism to produce gelatinases.
  • Gelatin hydrolysis test helps in the identification of Serratia,ย Pseudomonas,ย Flavobacterium, and Clostridium.
  • The test distinguishes the gelatinase-positive, pathogenicย Staphylococcus aureus from the gelatinase-negative, nonpathogenic Staphylococcus epidermidis.
  • The test can be used to differentiate genera of gelatinase-producing bacteria such asย Serratiaย andย Proteus from other members of the family Enterobacteriaceae.

Limitations of Gelatin Hydrolysis Test

  • Gelatinase mostly acts at the surface of the tube medium. Shaking the tube while it is warm might result in a false-negative result.
  • Gelatin may vary in its gelling ability; therefore, an uninoculated control should be inoculated with the test. The control must be refrigerated along with the test, prior to reading.
  • False-positive results may occur with the tube method in some media or saline on prolonged incubation, i.e. greater than 4 hours. This can be detected in the uninoculated control tube.
  • The plate method is not recommended for the determination of gelatin liquefaction by fastidious species and obligate anaerobes.
  • If the tubes are incubated at temperatures greater than 20ยฐC the tubes must be chilled below 20ยฐC before reactions can be carried out.

References and Sources

  • Nutrient Gelatin. M060. HiMedia Laboratories.
  • Biochemical Tests for the Identification of Aerobic Bacteria. (2016).ย Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook,โ€“ย 
  • Thomas Edison E. dela Cruz, Jeremy Martin O. Torres. 2012. Gelatin hydrolysis test protocol.
  • Joseph J.ย McDade,ย R. H.ย Weaver. RAPID METHODS FOR THE DETECTION OF GELATIN HYDROLYSIS. Journal of Bacteriology.ย Jan 1959,ย 77ย (1)ย 60-64.
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About Author

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Anupama Sapkota

Anupama Sapkota has a bachelorโ€™s degree (B.Sc.) in Microbiology from St. Xavier's College, Kathmandu, Nepal. She is particularly interested in studies regarding antibiotic resistance with a focus on drug discovery.

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